Friday, January 30, 2015

Assisted Living Finder Services in Scottsdale, AZ

Always Best Care provides in-home care services from as little as one hour per day up to 24-hour care, seven days a week. Whatever your care needs, Always Best Care is there for you. For more information call us at (480) 306-8862 or visit us at 9375 E Shea Blvd. Suite 100, Scottsdale, AZ 85260. #AssistedLivingFinderServicesInScottsdaleAZ

Senior Safety and Senior Fall Prevention Services

Falls are one of the leading causes of unintentional injuries in the United States, accounting for approximately 8.9 million visits to the emergency room annually. One in three people over the age of 65 falls each year, many times they are repeat falls. For many, stability and lack of stability in an aging population is associated with decline in health and for many, it represents potential loss of independence, hence the taboo nature and sensitivity of this topic.

Being at risk for falling does NOT have to mean loss of independence, when fall risks are identified before they pose a problem. What can you do to prevent falls? There are environmental modifiable fall risk factors, which can be addressed in the home: floors, stairs, lighting, safety grab bars, slippery tub or tile. If you are suffering from a medical condition, which causes loss of balance, vertigo or other side effects, which contribute to your risk of falling, those can be addressed as well. Senior home safety in particular is very important. Musculoskeletal strengthening for lower extremity weakness can decrease risk of falls, particularly in cases where there is weakness transitioning from positions such as sit to stand.

The American and British Geriatric Societies state, “Multifactorial risk assessment and intervention strategies are effective in decreasing the rate of falls and have similar risk reduction to that of other prevention measures such as statins for cardiovascular disease”. Those who provide senior care or in-home care in the Scottsdale and surrounding areas, children of aging parents or individuals concerned they may be at risk for falling due to stroke, Parkinson’s, recent hospitalization, etc. may seek to have a thorough, multifactorial fall risk assessment performed to determine what areas need to be addressed in order to reduce the risk of falling.

Taking the first step to prevent falls, will be your safest step! MEASURAbilities Home Safety, LLC, is the only physical therapist owned contracting company in the valley, providing fall prevention home safety modifications. We provide physical therapist expertise in the assessment, identification and recommendation of fall prevention solutions, based on ergonomics and health limitations for each individual’s needs and safety. Are you or a loved one at risk for falls in the home? Visit and take the Fall Risk Quick Assessment Questionnaire. A few moments out of your day answering these important questions can provide early fall risk detection. Intervention is key in reducing falls!

Contact MEASURAbilities Home Safety for your free senior fall prevention and home safety assessment, performed by a licensed physical therapist, trained to address your specific needs, medical conditions and limitations. Call: 480-285-6212, or email